Thursday, May 15, 2008

New Blog Header

Thanks to digital scrapbooking elements, I have a new blog header - fresh for summer. :) Some of the paper and elements were downloaded from this blog. Kopperhead does a great job with these, and they are so fun to use to create pages or headers. Thanks to her!! The doodle was found here. I loved this kit, too!!! Fun stuff.

Let me know what you think about the blog changes. If it's hard to read or anything, I want to make sure that gets fixed.

Have a great weekend! I hope to create tomorrow night.


  1. Fabulous job on the new header! Love the new look:)

  2. Hi! I love the new look, and the boxes you made for Mother's Day are great. I need to have a lesson on making those. :) We are always looking for a great idea for teen birthday presents for Rachel's friends. She takes so many pictures of all of them doing goofy things......this would be a great way to share those good times with her friends and get the hundreds of images off my lap top. :)

  3. Shell, I'm lovin' the new header and colors for the blog! Great job!

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Your new header looks great! What a fun design!


Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and comment on my creations. I pray that the Lord blesses you in many ways today!!!