Saturday, January 12, 2013

Happy 2013!

Happy 2013!!  If you're reading this, you made it, safely, through the Mayan Apocalypse of 2012.  Hopefully, you've reflected on 2012 and decided that 2013 needs to be filled with more crafting and creating time. :) That's my goal, but so far, it's not happened.  There is, of course, a lot happening up in the Haven, though.  

For Christmas, my sweet hubby gave me a 'repurposing' plan.  Upstairs, where the Haven is, there is the Haven, a full bathroom, and a room we've been using for a library.  The gift from my hubby was to relocate everything in the library in an expansion of the Haven.  He, however, has decided that that side of the Haven should be called "The Lair...."  Hmmmm .... not sure what to think about that one. :)  That project is going really well.  Almost all of the room is cleaned out.  I just need to go through some of the things left on the shelf to decide if the items need to be relocated or to remain up there.  

Another gift I received for Christmas this year was a new embroidery machine. :)  My hubby, kids, and mom went in together to get me a new Brother PE770.  It's exclusively an embroidery machine.  My other one is both a sewing and an embroidery machine. So many have asked why I need another machine. :) The answer is simple; this one has a bigger design area and it allows the use of a flash drive for the designs.  It took quite a while before I was even able to turn the machine on because my life has been so busy. I finally did, and I embroidered a design the same day.

Here's the new machine.  It's even got purple trim ... and matches the room.  Hahahaha ... yes, because that's what I look for when I get a new machine... NOT. :)  It is nice to have a 'cute' one, though.

Jaydin received this towel last Christmas (2011), and she's wanted her name on it since she got it.  The horses were all on there when she got the towel, but her name wasn't.  We chose variegated gray thread, and it turned out so cool.  This design is so much bigger than the what the other machine can do.  This is perfect for a towel, I think.  The font is Playbill and fits the style of the towel. 

Up next ..... I am busy planning the set up of the Lair.  A cutting table is needed, and I plan to create my own.   I think I'm going with a 4x8 with a melamine top and cube cubby base.  I'd love to hear your input if you have any. :)  I do have a card to share.  That will come next time.  

Thanks for checking in today. It's was 70°+ today in Georgia.  That's kind of scary for me.  It either means that we're done with winter (which we've not really had ..... again!) or that we should get prepared for a wicked winter storm.  The 'done with winter' is what scares me the most.

 I hope you're having a wonderful Saturday night and that you have a great, big, beautiful tomorrow!  
